We want you…to volunteer

We’ve very excited about the progress the Judicial Performance Commission is making. Our email survey of attorneys that have appeared before judicial retention candidate has garnered more than 1,200 responses already, and we anticipate hundreds more will be collected as the commission’s work progresses. In addition, we’ve completed more than 200 telephone interviews with attorneys who have appeared before the judicial retention candidates. Feedback from interviewees and survey respondents has been positive. The project is on track to improve the quality of public information about judicial retention candidates and to provide in-depth feedback to the judges themselves about their performance on the bench.

As we move into the final four weeks of data collection and interviewing, the need for volunteer assistance with the project is critical. If you have a few pro bono hours to devote over the next month and would like to assist the Judicial Performance Commission, please contact Elizabeth Monkus (312-988-6614).

To learn more about our efforts for Judicial Election Reform, click here.