ILP v Madigan

Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, the Campaign Legal Center and Chicago Appleseed have filed an amicus (.pdf download) in ILP v Madigan, in  support of Illinois' campaign contribution limits. ILP (the Illinois Liberty PAC) and an individual who contributes both to individual candidates and to...

7th Circuit Upholds Illinois Campaign Disclosure Laws

On Monday, the 7th Circuit ruled in favor of Illinois’ campaign finance disclosure law in Center For Individual Freedom v. Madigan. The Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF), a Virginia-based 501(c)(4) nonprofit, hoped to run advertisements in Illinois markets during the 2010 election season.  The ad...

Protecting Fair Courts in a Citizens United World — Blogging the Forum

Thanks to everyone who came out! The forum was a great success with stimulating discussion about a critical issue facing our courts. We hope to post a video of the forum in the near future with the help of CANTV. 5:03 pm Mr. Skaggs on merit selection: Politics intrudes on the appointment process a...

Thoughts after the Primary Election

In the run up to yesterday’s primary race, Appellate Justice Aurelia Pucinski was a vocal critic of the role of campaign financing in judicial elections. Judge Pucinski was particularly critical (audio link, relevant portion at the -1:20 mark) of the role of PAC money and money from donors and organ...