Recusal Standards for Judges

Finding ways to ensure the competence and integrity of the judicial system is a research and advocacy priority at Chicago Appleseed. We consider ways to advocate for improvement through our court-watching projects, the research and support we give to the Judicial Performance Commission, and in our r...

Links of Interest — June 3, 2011

What We Read, May 30 – June 3, 2011 Criminal Justice Court Reform: The ABA advocates several common sense ways for States to save money while furthering goals of criminal justice. MacArthur Justice Center Director Locke Bowman remains skeptical about Mayor Emmanuel's pick for Police Superinten...

Featured Resource: ABA Criminal Justice Section

The ABA's Criminal Justice Section "State Policy Implementation Project" includes a collection of research and recommendations proposing five reforms: 1. Pre-Trial Release Reform 2. Decriminalization of Minor Offenses 3. Effective Reentry Programs 4. Increased Use of Parole and Probation 5. Comm...