Judicial Election Spending

By Aswan Taylor, Intern for Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice A wave of recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions, culminating in last week’s McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission ruling, have diverged from the formidable pull of public sentiment and mounting research to reassert the role of financi...

March 2014 Judicial Primaries

We at Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice want to thank those of you who used VoteForJudges.org for the March 2014 primary.   Later this summer, VoteForJudges.org  will be updated with information for the judicial retention elections that are part of the General Election to be held in November 2014....

2014 Judicial Primary Evaluations Now Available!

The Chicago Council of Lawyers presents its evaluations and Chicago Appleseed presents VoteForJudges.org, the nonpartisan judicial evaluation and judicial information website. In Illinois, judges are elected. People will be voting for judicial candidates on March 18, 2014. Each of these candidates...

Elections and Judicial Integrity

Last week, the Sun-Times ran a piece about the new pension-reform law, examining the overlap judicial election campaign contributors and pension-stakeholders, in the context of a potential lawsuit challenging the pension-reform law. The piece raises some important questions of how judicial campaign...

CCL & Chicago Appleseed in the News on Judicial Elections

WGN, the Chicago Tribune and Medill Watchdog have begun a series of investigations into the judicial elections process. The integrity of the judicial elections process is an important research concern at Chicago Appleseed, as is the overall quality of our judiciary and the investigators spoke to our...
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