Poor Defendants and Access to Justice

Submitted by Aswan Taylor, Chicago Appleseed Intern Last year, a Chicago Appleseed investigation found that Cook County courts were routinely denying defendants a public defense, or ordering reimbursement for public defenders’ services, simply because the defendant had posted bond. As noted in Ma...

Links of Interest, November 12-16, 2012

Immigration Reform The American Constitution Society has released an issue brief on state and local efforts to create and enforcement immigration law. The Southern Poverty Law Center was granted access to immigrant detention records in Louisiana, as it seeks to determine whether state and local...

Links of Interest — May 13, 2011

Court Reform/Judicial Accountability Chicago Appleseed is working on a proposal to make information about campaign contributions to judicial candidates more easily-accessible to attorneys and litigants who appear before those judges. It is with interest we noticed that Facebook has asked the Feder...