How Illinois Supreme Court Intervention Can Help Cook County

How Illinois Supreme Court Intervention Can Help Cook County In response to President Preckwinkle’s letter to the Illinois Supreme Court, Chief Justice Thomas Kilbride has answered, proposing a meeting of the major criminal justice stakeholders and a conference of regional and national experts to d...

How Can Justice Be Efficient? Innovators Discuss in Cook County Forum

At the Justice Through Efficiency forum on Monday, criminal justice innovators shared lessons about managing a crowded urban justice system. The forum was particularly timely, as Cook County looks for ways to reduce its jail population safely and cost-effectively. You can read the complete bios of p...
Seal of Cook County, Illinois

Coordination is the Key to the Cook County Electronic Monitoring Problem

The April 26th “Change of Subject” column column by Chicago Tribune op-ed columnist Eric Zorn discusses the drop in the number of defendants released on electronic home monitoring which is contributing to the critical problem of jail overcrowding in Cook County.  The current population of Cook Count...

Cook County Bond Court Overlooks Critical Information

This editorial originally appeared at the Huffington Post.  In less than the time it takes to make an ATM withdrawal, Cook County Bond Court judges make decisions affecting individual liberty and the public safety. This way of transacting justice exacts a dear convenience fee -- defendants' liberty...

Cook County President Preckwinkle Declares “War on Drugs” a Failure

At a noontime rally in the Chicago loop last Friday, Cook County President Preckwinkle condemned the increasingly unpopular “war on drugs.”  She was the lone elected official openly criticizing the enforcement strategy, which dates back to Nixon’s presidency. Preckwinkle emphasized the excessive an...
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